The game admin team would like to take some time to explain the system that we have in place, so that everyone understands it and we avoid confusion.
Within this document are the following items:
1. The general guidelines that the game admin team follows when issuing a punishment for a decalogue violation.
2. The proper method for appealing a decision and/or a punishment on a game server.
If anything listed within this is confusing, or if anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
~ Azroen
Game Admin Coordinator
Decalogue Violation Punishments
When it has been determined that a mage has violated the decalogue, the game admins will decide on a punishment for the mage depending on the given situation. Below are the punishments that the game admins may use, and the general guidelines that they follow when issuing punishments.
Note: the lists of what actions bring which punishments is only a general guideline, and the game admins may decide to increase or decrease the punishments due to the situation that they find.
The following are general punishments for the following offenses:
Warning - Warnings are issued to players informing them that either a rule has been violated or that they are in danger of violating a rule. Generally warnings are only given for first time offenses; if a player has already been warned and repeats the offense then they will likely receive a punishment.
Things that may receive a warning:
- Offensive language that is used as part of speech and not directed at another player as an insult. Example: Sending a war arrow with the message, "F***! You onlined me! Dai!!!"
- Illegal coordination within a mage chain as per the policy on mage alliance chains.
- Revealing minor in-game information. Example: Posting hero kills with mage names and IDs in mage descriptions.
- Use of minor scripts/bots.
- Failure to register as a multiaccount if the account requires it.
Things that may receive a mute:
- Sending offensive arch mails, war arrows, guild messages
- Continually harassing other mages through arch mail, war arrows, guild messages
- Sending out illegal in-game information to non-allied mages
Things that may receive a timetwister:
- Offensive or harassing language that is used to insult or attack another player. Example: "You stupid b***h, I'm going to kill you!"
- Illegal coordination within a mage chain as per the policy on mage alliance chains.
- Illegal coordination between ND and guilded mages.
- Revealing in-game information to non-allies.
- Minor milking.
Things that may receive a Frozen Hell:
- Multimaging.
- Account trading or inheriting.
- Milking that has an impact on a mage.
- Repeated use of disposable mages.
- Use of scripts/bots to run a mage.
- Attacking/disbanding on mages with a NAP
Things that may receive a Banishment:
- Cheating/bug exploiting with direct impact on other mages
- Repeated violation of the decalogue.
- Offensive name.
Things that may receive a server ban:
- Repeated violation of the decalogue.
Decalogue Violations - Reporting and Appealing
Each server has its own set of game admins who police the game to ensure fair play. Game admins have powerful tools to detect cheating as well as expansive logs beyond what players have in order to investigate and punish those that violate the decalogue.
The Reincarnation has thousands of players and it impossible to keep track of what every player is doing every second of the day. Because of this the game admins rely on players to report decalogue violations, suspicious actions, and inappropriate behavior of others. It is every player's obligation to play within the rules, and their responsibility to report when other players do not; even if it is a member of their own guild!
When a report is made the game admins will investigate it. During the course of their investigation a game admin may speak via E-mail or in-game archmails to a player involved in order to make a decision. Player's are expected to be truthful and forthcoming with the game admins during investigations.
If a player feels that a punishment was unjustified, or that a report was not handled correctly, they may appeal the decision to the game admins and, after that, to the game admin coordinator.
Reporting a Decalogue Violation
All players should report any decalogue violations that they witness, suspicious activities, or the inappropriate behavior of others.
To make a report:
1. Include your mage name and ID. Reports sent without this information may not be reviewed.
2. Include the mage name and ID of the mage(s) you are reporting.
3. Include a description of the violation that you are reporting. Explain what you want the game admins to look for.
4. Include log files, war arrows, arch mails, IRC logs, etc. Anything that you have that you believe will support your report. Note: IRC logs are not deemed reliable information, but will be taken into consideration if provided.
5. Send the report to the game admins of the proper server. (ie., make sure that you send a report for guild server to the guild server game admins)
Game admins should reply to your report, if necessary, within 24-48 hours. If a report is sent on a weekend or holiday then additional time may be required.
Appeals process for Decalogue Violations
Appealing a decision by a game admin (either for a punishment that you received, or for lack of action on a report you submitted) must be done by the mage in question. Ie., if your guild-mate is fogged then they must be the one to appeal the decision.
To appeal a decision by a game admin you *must* do the following:
1. First contact the game admin in question and attempt to resolve it with them. Game admins are willing to discuss the punishment with players.
2. If after contacting the game admin no resolution is reached, you may contact the game admin coordinator at If you contact the game admin coordinator include the following in your e-mail:
- A copy of the initial report.
- A copy of all emails to and from the game admin.
- A summary of how you would like for the situation to be resolved.
The game admin coordinator allows for a "second look" at game admin decisions, and decisions by the game admin coordinator will be final.
Reporting Problems with a Game Admin
The Reincarnation strives to maintain an even-handed and fair environment when dealing with decalogue violations, and requires that its game admins conduct themselves in a professional manner.
If a player has a complaint about a game admin, beyond a decision that was not favorable to them, they should report it to the game admin coordinator at The game admin coordinator will review the report and take whatever action he feels is necessary.