Ingame advertising .. trial period - updated

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Ingame advertising .. trial period - updated

Post by Cyrus » Apr 29th 2005 08:42

Testing has been going on for about one week, but to make further testing ads has now been limited to certain pages on both app and blitz.

Pages that has ads are:
* main menu
* status report
* building
* cast spell
* research
* ranking

This will go on for a couple of days, so that we may see how ads can be implemented in the best way.


Old post:
As many of you have already seen the Apprentice server has banner ads on a few selected pages.

Why? well the answer is simple, we need to look at all possible ways of how to pay for the servers we have to run this game. Costs are increasing!!

Apprentice server will run banner ads for a trial period, after that we will decide on how we will proceed.

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